All Fan Art in Alternate Universe

Charlotte's "Rip in Half" Move

I still love Charlotte.♥ She's so cute, chapter two of Surely, Charlotte was pure love too~!

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Happy Child

Is it me or is Charlotte getting younger? I mean, when conceptualized she was some deadpan 16-18 year old even though she only had the mentality of a two year old. These days, though, I can't help but portray her as a 4-6 year old in artwork. If I knew she would turn out this way I probably would have made her a child to begin with. Well, that's what happens when characters get developed after design... At least now I've compromised enough to make her at least appear 15 without drastically doing an age reduction.

Nevertheless, I love this illustration. I could probably draw for childrens' books. And you know what? I wouldn't be opposed to that, either.

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Sometimes, little things like nicknames get taken too far and out of context. Everyone knows Nidorina isn't Japanese, and I'm sure she sometimes wishes Bellsprout's joke nickname never caught on. Almost all of Kine's other Pokemon that he caught in Johto are Japanese, but no one ever gives them an honorific.

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I love that face. XD

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Like a Grand and Miraculous Spaceship...

I've always loved Charlotte as a character.♥ I think that's a bit obvious. I see now that her hair is a bit different from the norm, but I was working sans reference, and I do think it looks quite nice either way.

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Happy Charlotte

I drew this because she is starting to be unnoticed. I love the shading and how I did her this time. I wasn't too happy with my first try.

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T...this is not my fault! Blame Game Freak...

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Look Out World, Here Comes Nido-panda!

This pic features Nido-san and Nidorino. I saw Kung-Fu Panda today, hence Nidorino's outfit, and it was the funniest movie I have ever seen!

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Wherever she goes, people can't help but be awed by just how cool she is. But what defines cool, exactly? What is it that people like about her, anyway? This is why she doesn't let it get to her, it's all subjective anyway. Everyone just hypes her up. Maybe it's all her honors and accomplishments. Maybe because she isn't overly girly. Maybe because she ain't overly masculine, either.

Anyhow, I guess this is some hang out attire. She could be on her way to see a campy action flick, or to throw/kick a ball around. Maybe she's going to coach kids. Hey, she'd make a pretty awesome coach. She's already got that Cool Big Sis appeal going for her, I figure a lot of kids will listen to her more than some angry balding man with a beer gut.

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