
I've already said that this Nidorino plushie looks more or less what AU!Nidorino would look like less stylized, but this Vulpix looks very much the way AU!Vulpix does, (super cute and childlike facial features) and essentially how I'd have Vulpix "Pixie" Anderson dolls made if that were something I could do. Well, at least now I've got a model to work from should that opportunity arise (again, like the Totodile Pokedoll is essentially the model for Nidorina's Totodile). Going off of that, let's assume it's them, sharing a photo shoot as they await the rest of the crew, hopefully arriving sometime before 2038 (Nakamura depends on how cute a Nidoqueen doll is made, and any Schneiders will definitely have to be custom).

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