
Aqua Bunny WWDIY at DoujinSoft, and Site Dormancy

It was brought to my attention that there is now an online site for playing Wario Ware DIY games right in your browser! Of course, I immediately went to check if that included the Aqua Bunny High Functionality Pack, and sure enough, it does! At the time of posting, the Vendors comic starring Lisa and Tuff are not entirely archived properly, but I sent an email to the site runner with a copy of the sav file found on this site, so perhaps they can get that cleared up in due time. Also, there's no way to sort by "software" label, so to speak, but I did retrieve all 26 links to the individual games so you can get right to them. As for the comics, you'll have to go to the Comics tab on DoujinSoft Store, and search for "Vendors".

You can find all the links to the games on this page.

I've also updated Ruffle for good measure. Perhaps some of those swfs will be working better in the games and fan films pages. Hopefully Crane Crazy will actually play the sound correctly.

As for Aqua Bunny itself, if you've been checking back, you can see I haven't been updating outside of once in a blue moon. Currently I'm pretty busy in furthering my career, so I have to put this site on pause for a while. I should have mentioned this sooner, but better late with some sort of notice than never with no explanation. At best, this site'll only receive rare updates like this for about another year or so, but I do still intend to finish up SOOAKK and another holiday animation, if nothing else, but it won't be for quite some time, potentially in 2024. With that, thanks for visiting, and see ya when I see ya!

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A Music Arrangement for Kirby's 30th

Kirby's hit the big 3-0 today, and I totally worked on this song for said anniversary and didn't have this made earlier and wasn't just holding on to it as an excuse or anything. It's a lot different than what I was doing 10 years ago, that's for sure!

Of course, this update isn't related to Nidos, but there's no use pretending I've ever been that big of a general Pokemon person, and I have to upload a copy of the MP3 somewhere. And on that note, the Fan Music section has two songs added to it, including this one and another song I've had on hand for a long while.

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Happy Holidays from 2021!

Hope you have a wonderful, or failing that, decent holiday season this year!

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Now Entering Year 16, and the Complete Monthly Nidoran

Aqua Bunny has entered into year 16. Still here! The illustration for the event says more than I could, though, so I'll let you sit with that.

In other news, Monthly Nidoran is all caught up. If I may rant for a bit, it's really obnoxious having to move content over. The tagging alone for every entry is extra monotonous. That said, I'm glad it's all here. For what it was worth, I enjoyed Monthly Nidoran when I did it, it was really cute.

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A Month's Worth of Monthly Nidoran

If you view a photo a day, that is! Monthly Nidoran has finally made its way over to this version of Aqua Bunny, a collection of monthly photos following Nidoran and her family and friends. It's about half the set, but it's enough to get anyone new started!

Soon-ish, I'd like to finally get updated articles on the site, too, but I'll have to do that outside of a busy work season. One of these days, I tell ya...

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Father's Day and the Missing Artwork

Well, I admit I expected to be done with the comic pages sooner than I am, but that's how it goes, I suppose. Continuing where Mother's Day left off, however, I bring holiday fan art in addition to a bunch of artwork I did from 2019 to 2021 (which wasn't much), which I never uploaded due to the site being in transition at the time. That should make the galleries caught up from my end, but there's still some submissions to go through. I can also now just add new series art direct here, which is good should I ever decide I just want to draw and nothing else.

Well, I have deadlines approaching so I gotta get!

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Nidoran Returns the Animated Spotlight for the First Time in 21 Years, Ends Up Being a Monkey's Paw

Well, this was unexpected, but certainly welcome (even if begrudgingly, I'll get to that)! The first Nidoran centric animation since Wherefore Art Thou, Pokemon, as far as I can tell. I’d argue Nido-overall since in the rest, they were footnotes, including The Heartbreak of Brock.

Anyway, it’s entirely in Japanese, but the story’s easy to follow, very cute, and wonderfully animated. Pokemon fans and Nido fans’ll enjoy, or at the least appreciate it. If you’ve got some free time, give it a watch and the vid another view so that maybe Game Freak will consider that perhaps the Nido line has some value.

My feelings on it, which’ll definitely differ from 99.9% of everyone else, is that considering I don’t really like the Pokemon franchise enough anyway, when all I care about is the monsters at best, I feel kinda salty on how expressive everything other than the Pokemon are. And for Nidoran I’d argue it’s worse than "Wherefore", at least both Nidoran were allowed to emote at all back then. Aside from a Charizard's old-and-tired face, the mandates are in such strict effect that I can’t get invested, especially since I’ve long stopped caring about Pokemon trainers (as a comic like Dumb Big Sister would prove). The story and the girl are adorable and well animated, but I just don’t relate to doing the trainer shtick anymore and haven’t for years. However, to its credit, it IS a Nido centric animation, so I still have to give it its due there if nothing else.

There's one other thing I'd like to note that I do really appreciate. If you've read Dumb Big Sister, namely the comic TRAINER, you'll pick up on the fact that I have some ethical concerns over the idea of a human ripping a Pokemon away from their family members just so they can win a trophy. Fabulous priorities. The anime largely surpasses this and has for years by showing that its typically the Pokemon's choice in the matter, which is different from the games (and I suppose has to be, gameplay and story segregation and all that, but it leaves way too much up to interpretation, and statistically speaking, most captured Pokemon probably ARE abducted if you get right down to just plain stating what it is). However, I've never seen family members OF that Pokemon give consent to let their own kin go off on their own, up until this short, and that I fully appreciate. Maybe it's happened before, but to me it feels like breaking some new ground, and I'm so much more okay with it being this way. "It's a video game, you're overthinking it", sure, but it's also a series full of sapient creatures, so I can't help but have reservations about the conceit of the entire franchise...

Those are my thoughts about it. I suppose this comes with being hyper fixated on a Pokemon line, I’m surely missing the forest for the trees, here. Then again, TPC’s net worth proves they aren’t missing my not being all that invested, so I feel like it’s pretty much mutual.

Anyway, speaking of comics, still working away on She's One of a Kind, Kine, I haven't abandoned ye!

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Mother's Day and More Photos

As long as I have cartoon Pokemoms, the mother's day streak continues. I wish I had more time than I do, because maybe then this site would be 100% up to speed, but with the time that I DID have, aside from this rare art of Mama and Baby Horsea, I also finished off the Plushies gallery in Photos, as well as added the Cards gallery and bringing that one to present. The Photos sidebar is a bit weird at the moment, but I'll have it fixed.

The next update should be more interesting as it'll head back into comics territory. Until then!

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The New Comics Page, Re-Mixed Nuts, and One Dancing Nut

Everywhere she goes, she's always there.

This is a fairly substantial update, so more info after the break.

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Not One to Deny an Opportunity When They See One, Krispy Kreme Sells Space Donuts

In other news the Perseverance rover lands on Mars today. Working quickly I made this gif, which wasn't as long as I wanted it to be, but I only have as much time as everyone else does to buy a donut. Yay! And yes I bought some myself. Who says marketing doesn't work?

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