All gallery posts in Alternate Universe

Forever by the Pool

"Something fitting of a 25 year old female". With that, I simply had to make her chill on the pool!! xD

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Red Hot Mama

So now we have some idea where Didi gets her weirdness from. Not entirely, mind, but I wouldn't be supposed if that awkwardness is genetic. This was for National Hotdog Day 2016

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Portal, Too

A portal 2 crossover no one asked for in which Nini is solving puzzles for science reasons that Kine probably knows of. Off screen there's probably Oni and Didi doing Co-op mode, and doing a pretty less than stellar job at it.

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Beach Selfie

I wanted to really try and capture Didi’s dorkish personality, so here’s her trying to snap a quick beach selfie (poorly centered, thumb on the camera, inadvertently blocking her sister out of view in her exuberance aha).

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Love is a Battlefield

This was far more of a challenge than I thought. After choosing his adorable character Miltank Kobayashi, I was delighted to hear him pick this style. What a perfect fit! If I could remember how I did it, that is. After revisiting the original file, sketching, erasing, deleting layers, and roughing up some detail (the lines came out too clean at first), this is the closest I can get! Who knew that replicating a style you created yourself on a whim would be so tricky o_O

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Treating You is Such a Treat!

“That one looks like a star. And that one looks like… a star! The next one does too. Maybe we should go cloud viewing somewhere else next time?”

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A Talent Show?

This is my half of an art trade with Patrick! Chose Vulpix because it’s hard to beat afro-puffs.

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Down in Front

Something done for a trade with Patrick featuring Didi the Nidoran... or NERDORAN... sorry that was horrible. She's seen this same movie like ten times now and still keeps getting all excited for it! Ah, some things never get old do they? Sometimes you just find that thing you can watch so many times and still not get tired of it.

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Paintbrush Didi

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Oni Schneider

Doodlin’ some of Patrick's ocs since my internet was out all morning. :V

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